You perceive a snap from the shock absorbers of your Peugeot 207 especially when you pass a speed bump. And you have no idea how serious this problem is and what should be repaired. Effectively noise from the shock absorbers is generally indicative of wear and it is a good reflex not to neglect it, before the damage become more critical. This is why in this tutorial we will start by telling you Why shock absorbers do this noise on your Peugeot 207. Then we will give you advices in order to choose well the shock absorbers if you have to replace.


Why do shock absorbers make noise on my Peugeot 207?

The problems caused by shock absorbers on Peugeot 207:

We will start by listing you the different defects that your Peugeot 207 could have. But if you need more information regarding the role and operation of shock absorbers in order to understand the origin of the dysfunctions, we tell you this below.

Shock absorbers slamming on Peugeot 207: Oil leak:

The first wearing parts turn out to be the seals. Indeed the shock absorber to work well is charged with oil, therefore each end of the cylinder is provided with a gasket to prevent the escape of the liquid.

However as this component supports a lot of shocks, the rubber seals eventually crack and become less efficient. That's why if you notice oil coming from the shock absorbers oozing, usually you're going to have to to change the shock absorbers without delay. Indeed it reveals that the compression and decompression no longer takes place properly and it can a clicking noise.

Shock absorbers slamming on Peugeot 207: Used oil:

Also if you often drive on damaged roads with potholes, suspensions will be used more and more closely. And if compression decompression is done too quickly in the rooms of compression this risks to inject air into the oil and make the shock absorber less efficient.

Shock absorbers slamming on Peugeot 207: Worn shock absorber cup:

Then another piece which would prone to wear and tear would be the shock absorber cup. The latter is used to connect the suspension mechanism à the body of the car. Therefore it also supports important vibration. And if progressively movement occurs within the cup, this goes damage the shock absorber prematurely and the movement may make a clicking noise.

Shock absorbers slamming on Peugeot 207: Worn bearing ring:

Also it is possible that the concern comes from the bearing ring. The latter will allow your Peugeot 207 to amortize when turns since there is a charge transfer towards the outside of the turn. In this way if noise occurs during turns but also that the vehicle pitch and you have struggling to keep direction, it will surely be the bearing race.

To finish on the problems caused by the shock absorbers of your Peugeot 207, we also recommend that you browse the following article: How to recognize HS shock absorbers on Peugeot 207.

The principle of a shock absorber on Peugeot 207:

To understand these problems, it is interesting to know how a shock absorber works on a Peugeot 207. A shock absorber is integrated into the suspension mechanism Peugeot 207. Its role is to decrease the rebound effect of the suspension spring. To do this, it consists of a cylindrical tube that contains oil and piston with hole. In order to hold the spring, the shock absorber will compress and decompress thanks to the piston and transferring oil from the compression chamber to another chamber. The oil will pass through the holes of the piston which will allow to control the compression and decompression speed of the suspension spring.

In more detail, the shock absorber is a stem surrounded by the spring that goes fold back and stretch using the spring during a speed bump for example. This way when the spring contracts this will reduce the rod of the shock absorber. To do this, the holey piston will integrate the compression chamber. Therefore the oil that was contained in the chamber will be transferred to the other room thanks to the piston holes. Then when the spring relaxes, the piston will extract itself from the compression chamber a pair suction effect the oil will be re-transferred in the first bedroom. And in this way the oil will pass from one chamber to the other for cushion impacts while driving but also when stationary when loading your Peugeot 207 or getting into the passenger compartment.

Instructions to replace the shock absorbers on my Peugeot 207:

Over time it often happens that the components of the suspension are damaged because they withstand a lot of shock, this is how you will perceive the shock absorbers snap on your Peugeot 207. Note that on average a shock absorber is used 5000 times per km. This is why it is very important to have them checked frequently. If you want more information, do not hesitate to read the following article: When to change the shock absorbers on Peugeot 207. The problem is that when it is necessary to change them it is not always easy to know what kind of shock absorber to buy.

How to choose the shock absorbers for a Peugeot 207?

There are two people type of shock absorber. There are shock absorbers hydraulic which contain only oil, and you will also find compressed gas shock absorbers. These also have oil and in addition they contain nitrogen. This will allow better responsiveness during decompression because the gas will repel the oil and this will not happen just by the suction of the piston. They will be more resistant with strong compression variations but they will also be more expensive. This is why we recommend that you equip yourself with this type of shock absorber. if you drive on damaged roads ou in campaign and that your suspensions are regularly requested or if you have a sporty driving and you brake suddenly.

In this way we advise you to follow the manufacturer's recommendations available in the maintenance booklet for your Peugeot 207, in order to be sure to keep the same firmness of the shock absorbers. You should know that if you select another brand, it will be important that the characteristics are compatible to ensure you keep them in good condition for about 80 km. Replacement is a manipulation that requires time and that is expensive. So it would be better to pay a good price at the right time in order to guarantee you a certain security.

If you wish after that to replace shock absorbers of your Peugeot 207 yourself, we recommend that you read the following article: How to change the shock absorber cup on Peugeot 207

To finish: a slamming shock absorber in a Peugeot 207 is not something to be overlooked. We recommend you go to your mechanic fairly quickly because it would be dangerous to drive with broken shocks. In the future, if you want to keep your shock absorbers for the long term, we advise you to also read the following article: When to change the shock absorbers on Peugeot 207.

If you wish to go a little further in the maintenance of your Peugeot 207, we invite you to consult the other pages on the Peugeot 207.